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The Roman baths garden

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The Roman baths garden

This garden is scattered with waterfalls and patios adorns the Roman warm showers by joining the fragrances and shades of the Mediterranean Sea.

The "Roman Baths" is a finished open space that lies on the eastern incline of the Serail Hill. It comprises of a garden and an arrangement of revealed remains and remnants of antiquated Roman showers, subsequently the name of the place. Initially found in 1968-69, the remains experienced an intensive cleaning and more excavation attempts in 1995-1997. Outlined by the British arranging firm Gillepsies, the Garden's format is overwhelmed with low-threw glass dividers and stages that can be transformed into show and theatre venues, in this manner giving a 21st-century touch without hurting the territory's valuable antiqued fabric. The space contains high porches that endeavor to revive sights of antiquated Mediterranean patios and gardens. Amid the tourism season, the place has a few outdoors shows and plays. Both vacationers and local people are attracted to the well-known universal shows that the venue offers as a component of the World Music Day in addition to outside celebrations and melodic shows.

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Banks street
Downtown +
Beirut District, Beirut Governorate
Characteristics and classifications
Architecture & Style (1) +
Roman architecture
Dynasty & Civilization (1) +