The town of Abbasiyah is found ten kilometers north-east of Tyre. It takes after the bequest of Tyre locale in the territory of the South, ascends around 150 meters from the ocean level, extends over more than 35 square kilometers and is around 84 km far from Beirut. The town has an excellent sandy shoreline with numerous components of the southern Tyre shorelines, however no wetlands inside it, just like the instance of the Tyre Nature Reserve. It has a thick and varied vegetation cover, which serves as the natural home to many birds, animals, creepy crawlies and reptiles.
Among the plants that are scattered on the shoreline: the plant of the wilderness or ‘reed’, and the plant of Tayyip, and Alkoroup, and Alcabr (Shaflh), Cypress and Aloe, and white sandbill, which is scarce on the Lebanese coastlike, and the plant of Crimea and furthermore called Shura or Mangrove where they live on salt water. It doesn't require crisp fresh water and gives sanctuary to the transitory winged animals that shade a green plant consistently throughout the year and assume an imperative part in keeping the marvels of disintegration and prevents erosion of the seaside soil and adds to the control of wind motion and dissemination of rain,
According to the Marine Turtle Nesting Activity Assessment on the Lebanon Coast 2002, Abbasiyah Beach is one of nineteen dynamic destinations or has ideal qualities for ocean turtle action. A few ocean turtle or turtle-related perceptions have been recorded as of late, and in February 2015, the green southerners reported the deaths of two grown-up turtles on the northern shore.