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Jabal al Rihane Biosphere Reserve

Biosphere Reserve
Nature Reserve
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Jabal al Rihane Biosphere Reserve
Credit: Jabal Al Rihane Biosphere Reserve

Covering an area of approximately 18430 hectares and at an altitude ranging between 270 meters in the south and 1500 meters above sea level in the north, is Jabal al Rihane Biosphere Reserve. It stretches from Mizyara south to Jezzine and Niha villages, and spans across the southern part of Mount Lebanon overseeing the Mediterranean Sea to the west as well as the Beqaa valley to the east.

This biosphere reserve is a true patchwork of different ecological systems that largely embody the natural greenery of vegetation forests, grass, bush and a large community of Mediterranean plants and animals occupying the region.

A prevalent trait of this biosphere reserve is the presence of various mountain summits like the Jabal Sujud, Jabal Safi, Jabal Bir Kallab, and Jabal Bourqab that reach heights of 1200, 1300, 1360 and 1300 meters accordingly. The Reserve presents a breathtaking limitless view, countless ancient oak trees that are more than 500 years old, rivers, caves and agricultural fields.

This green nature area amid broad and vast bare lands has public municipal territories as well as private lands. The location is ideal for migratory birds and the reserve hosts 168 different bird species, 15 of them are threatened to become extinct. The mammals that live in the vicinity, range from bats to wolves and hyenas and amount to a total of 34 species, 11 of them are globally threatened to become extinct. Most of these mammals belong to the Middle East region. Furthermore, there are 44 local plant species in the reserve, some of which cannot be found in other parts of the country.

As a general point, Jabal Al Rihane Bio Sphere Reserve has a low population count of approximately 24,000 individuals. Half of them leave the province during the winter season and live in the suburbs of the capital of the country, Beirut, to have improved accessibility to better schools, jobs and warmer weather.

Future plans for Jabal Al Rihane biosphere reserve revolve around portraying the reserve as an outstanding example for BR’s in the Middle East and Mediterranean scope. A wise and strong management with persistent efforts on visitations, community affinities, environment education, business initiatives and fundraising schemes is essential for the achievement of this goal.

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Al Rihan +
Jezzine District, South Governorate
Jezzine District
Jezzine District
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Nature Flora Trees and Shrubs (1) +
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