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Saints Peter and Paul Monastery

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Saints Peter and Paul Monastery
The Monastery of St. Peter & Paul in Qattine is situated on a hill with breathtaking views of valleys and mountains. Its establishment coincided with the Christian presence in Jezzine. Bishop Gabriel Awad founded the monastery and later gave it to the Antonine Order on March 1, 1761. Bishop Awad purchased the estate and endowments of the monastery and built wooden houses and a small wooden church north of the current monastery. The monks who followed him, known as the Worshipping Monks, inhabited the monastery and built a separate one for nuns. The monks managed the monastery's livelihood, which at the time was half of Qattine's farms, located on some of Qaituli and Qattine lands in a place called "The River Island". The monks partnered with the feudal landlords, the original landowners, and brought Christian families from North and Mount Lebanon to the South after the Ain Dara Battle in 1711. In 1756, Bishop Semaan Awad ordained Priest Sarkis Awad as the Pastor in the Antonine Order, and he intervened with Bishop Gabriel Awad to hand over the monastery in Qattine to the Antonine Order.

The monastery and its property were granted with the knowledge and endorsement of the bishop's partner, Sheikh Fares Jumblatt, who agreed in 1758 to transfer the title deed from the bishop to the monks of the St. Isaiah compound after receiving the rest of the price.

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Kattine - Hidab +
Jezzine District, South Governorate
Jezzine District
Jezzine District
Characteristics and classifications
Period of History (1) +
18th century
Religions and rites (1) +
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