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Beit el Nessim

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Beit el Nessim
The guesthouse is a historic landmark it faces the walled garden, and features a rooftop terrace, and an interior courtyard.

Beit el Nessim is a guesthouse located in Old Mina in Tripoli and restored by Nabil Najjar. The restoration began in December 2007, and was completed in 2012.

Beside renting rooms, Beit el Nessim has a Cafe, called Cafe Nessim, which opens every Friday and Saturday from 6:30 to 12 p.m. The Guesthouse offers also yoga classes and workshops. Yoga class is available every thursday from 6 pm to 8 p.m.

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Labban Street
El-Mina +
Tripoli District, North Governorate
Tripoli & Denniyeh
Tripoli & Denniyeh
Get in touch with us
+961 3 308 156
+961 6 200 983