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Nahr el-Kebir

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Nahr el-Kebir

Nahr al-Kabir al-Janoubi (Arabic for the southern awesome stream, النهر الكبير الجنوبي) is a waterway in the Middle East streaming into the Mediterranean Sea. The waterway courses through the Homs Gap. The Nahr el Kabir ascends from various springs in Syria and in the mountains of Lebanon. It stretches across the western side framing a characteristic outskirt and natural boarder between northern Lebanon and Syria. The Nahr el Kabir keeps up the majority of its regular occasional qualities as water control is constrained on the primary waterway stem and in the spillover era territory in Lebanon and Syria.

Environmental degradation is a noteworthy natural issue in the waters: the waterway is seriously polluted by mass-release of untreated sewage and uncontrolled solid waste transfer. Different dangers incorporate repetitive surges and the spread of water hyacinth along the entire waterway course. The two nations coordinate on the premise of a 2002 water-sharing understanding, with a few joint specialized sub-advisory groups handling different issues identified with the watershed.

The stream frames the northern piece of the fringe between current Lebanon and Syria. In classical times the stream was known as Eleutherus and ‘Eleutheros, Eleuteris, Ελεύθερος, Ελευθερίς in Ancient Greek’. In English, it is otherwise called the Nahr el-Kebir or just as the Kebir.

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